
The Pleasure of Eating My Huge Shit In Panties

Huge Shit In Panties

John loved watching me walk around the room wearing nothing but my soiled and ruined panties. He loved the way my huge bulge was visible through the fabric and the way the smell of my poop filled the air. I loved it too. It was a strange kind of pleasure that I had never experienced before.

John couldn’t keep his hands off of me as I walked around the room. He caressed my bulge and ran his fingers through my panties. I felt a tingle of pleasure as his hands explored my body.

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John then started to lick my bulge, savoring the taste of my shit. It was an exhilarating experience for both of us. He then started to eat my poop, letting it linger in his mouth before swallowing it.

The taste of my shit was surprisingly delicious. I loved the feeling of John’s tongue against my skin as he licked my bulge and savored my excrement. I could feel my body getting aroused as he continued to eat my crap.

John then lay me down on the bed and started to take off my panties. He pulled them down to reveal my huge bulge of shit. He then started to eat my shit right off of my body. I gasped in pleasure as he licked and sucked my excrement.

The sensation of his tongue against my skin and the taste of my poop in his mouth was indescribable. I felt my body trembling with pleasure as he ate my shit.

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John then pulled off his clothes and lay on top of me. He then started to thrust himself inside of me as I continued to lay there covered in my own excrement. The feeling of his hard cock against my body as he fucked me was intense.

John continued to thrust himself inside of me as he ate my shit. The sensation was overwhelming and I felt myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. I screamed in pleasure as I finally reached my climax.

John continued to thrust himself inside of me until he too reached his orgasm. He then pulled out of me and lay beside me, both of us covered in my shit.

We lay there afterwards in a blissful state of pleasure, content with the experience we had just shared. I had never felt so satisfied before. Eating my own shit had been a surprisingly enjoyable experience that I knew I wanted to do again.


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